Monday, December 14, 2020



Monday, December 14, 2020


rules to be gentleman

If you can become a person in the world who is loved equally by people of all ages from 6 to 70, then how much better it really is. Everybody wants to be such a person, but a little bit If we want to be such a person, we should all be gentlemen rather than cool men and uncles.

Today there is a situation in which the number of gentlemen is very low. This quality survives today in a tiny number of people. If you want to be a gentleman, we must know what rules we must follow.

Rule No. 1: love everyone

The most incredible quality of a gentleman is that she knows how to love everyone around her equally. These people don't abuse anyone. They are good-hearted, less educated, more educated, higher caste, lower caste doesn't care.

He only knows how to love everyone as his own and how to speak politely to them. So if you want to be a gentleman, then the rule doesn't. You have to continue from today.

Rule No. 2: Respect all women

To be a gentleman, you must learn to respect girls. Never think of girls as goods. The biggest problem for boys these days is that they often think twice about disrespecting girls. Many even touch the girls.

A true gentleman never does these things. Instead, they understand the fact that not everyone in the world has the same character. Our society is made up of a combination of good and evil. Each of us should spend time or talk with good girls, keeping a total distance from the girl who seems to be bad or seems to be misbehaving.

But no matter what kind of girl he is, he should never be disrespected again, this is what every gentleman agrees with.

Rule No. 3: Avoid negativity on social media

If you want to be a gentleman, keep as much distance as possible from all these negative activities on social media. Because negativity can turn a good person bad very quickly

Spend time with good people or good things as much as possible so that your mind can stay focused on the positive for most of the day. And last but not least, the headline made you read this article.

Rule No. 4: be open-minded

The next rule of thumb for being a gentleman is to be open-minded. The more open a person is, the more people will be interested in talking and will love spending time. You need to have this quality in yourself even when you learn something from someone.

Because if you don't have an open mind and you always consider yourself a wise person, you will never learn anything from others and you will never grow in life. A gentleman always respects the opinion of others and his own point of view and always seeks to develop.

Rule No. 5: learn to say NO

To be a gentleman, you must learn to say no. Most people today cannot say no to others. Hang up a word to see or see They often think, "If I don't tell someone, they might get hurt."

It's okay to think about it, but if you don't tell someone, they may get mad at you right then.

But most people prefer those people in the long run. Because you think, if any of your friends say "yes" to any of your words today; How do you feel if you don't come at the last minute? Of course, that would be very bad, right? But you won't be mad at a friend who didn't tell you first.

So learn not to say in life. Never cling to other people with your own words or try to keep your mind on saying yes to lies.

Rule No. 6: Speak politely

Well, do you like people who yell at you? Of course, not Being courteous is very important to be a gentleman. We should always speak politely to everyone in any situation in life. If you always yell at everyone in anger, then one day everyone will leave your life and you will be completely alone.

So keep a genuine smile on your face as you speak and speak politely to everyone. You will see that everyone will be interested in talking to you.

Rule No. 7: Control Your Anger

If you want to be gentle, you must control your anger. A genuinely kind man never gets angry at words. These people are usually calm. See if your brain is always calm in any situation, then you will be able to solve any problem much faster than other people.

People who are too angry don't like a person very much and are not comfortable talking to them too much. And these people make big mistakes over and over again in life because they tend to get angry. So if you want to be a gentleman, try to control your anger from today.

Rule No. 8: Don't be too talkative

Get rid of the clutter you don't need. The extra a man talks about has nothing of his own privacy or privacy. Someday he will reveal his secret through his words in front of everyone. The most incredible quality of a gentleman is that he speaks all he needs. And most try to listen.

Know the consequences of talking too much when you speak too much all the time, the day you go to discuss something serious with everyone, no one will listen to you as seriously as a lesser person. So change your habit quickly.

Rule No. 9: never be too available to someone

If you want everyone to love and respect you in life, then always follow one thing, never be too available to anyone. If you make yourself available to everyone, know that after a while, no one will give you the dignity you deserve.

They will all take advantage of you and then leave you. And believe me, their goal is never to regret that you were always available to them. But a gentleman knows this fact, so he is never again available to anyone. Do whatever you need to do and then get back to work.

Rule No. 10: Be honest

The most remarkable characteristic of a gentleman's personality is his honesty. These people are always honest. They don't care what people think of them after telling the truth.

Let me tell you one thing, the man who thinks you are stupid because of your honesty and hates you in front of people is not worthy of telling you the truth. Please stay away from these people Because people who are most attracted to false personality and other people's speech feel a great sadness in their lives.

Always maintain honesty in your behaviour. The one who understands you will surely understand you and the one who leaves will leave.

Rule No. 11: Help everyone

A true gentleman is always there to help others. He never overthinks of himself. I believe that the joy of helping a wretched, miserable, or endangered person is not even buying the most expensive thing in the world. So help as many people as you can who really need help.

If you want to build a better society, first of all, awaken the sense of humanity in yourself. And as a gentleman, dedicate your life entirely to those people.

Rule No. 12: Don't criticize anyone

Most people today love to criticize other people. If you look a little better at the people around you, you will find that most people never care about themselves. Everyone thinks they are excellent and flawless and the rest of the people are not right.

See, a true gentleman never cares much about people's personal affairs. They understand that no human being in the world is perfect. There are some flaws in everyone So that they are not busy criticizing others, but always trying to improve themselves. So if you are such a person, you are also a true gentleman.

I hope you have read "Best 12 rules to be a gentleman" and have come to know a lot of beautiful information. If you like the publication, comment and let me know your opinion. Your valuable comments have been of great help to me.

Also read: Top 8 Tips To Be Self Employed in 2021

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